Wednesday 18 March 2020

Dear All, In light of the current health concerns and in line with Government recommendations all classes have been suspended until further notice. Hopefully, post Easter the news will be better, but in the interim please keep yourselves well and safe. Regards Gerry

Dear All,
In light of the current health concerns and in line with Government recommendations all classes have been suspended until further notice.
Hopefully, post Easter the news will be better, but in the interim please keep yourselves well and safe.

Sunday 8 March 2020

Peadar training with Michael yesterday #ohkamikarate #glasgowkarate @ohkamikarate @glasgowkarate #friendliestkarateclub #karateWestEnd

Peadar training with Michael yesterday
#ohkamikarate #glasgowkarate @ohkamikarate @glasgowkarate #friendliestkarateclub #karateWestEnd